So quick update......WE ARE MARRIED!! Troy and I exchanged vows on the beach at Magens Bay in St Thomas (Virgin Islands) as God made his pressence known with thunder and lightning at sunset on Friday, May 28th, 2010. It was totally amazing!!
Our wonderful photographer, Devon, owner of PhotoSynthesis Atlanta, sent the teaser below with a note that this was going to be the cover for her wedding pricing guide next year. :) I can't wait to see the other 9,999 pictures Devon and Jessica took during wedding week.

Back to our TTD Session: We started out downtown to take advantage of the architecture. Downtown Charlotte Amalie is now the "shopping district" for the tourist. Even though we arrived first thing in the morning as shops were just opening there were quite a few people around and everyone was so nice. They were shouting out congratulations, allow us to stop traffic and one man dressed in a costume (Native American looking) even agreed to pose in pictures with us. Just thinking about that morning makes me anxious to see the rest of the pictures!! We took pictures downtown and at several historical sites (99 steps, governors house). Then we headed back to the villa to relax and later redressed that afternoon to head to Magens Bay for some fun sunset pictures. I climbed over a bunch of rocks to get out to a big boulder that was in the middle of the water. I'm sure the few folks on the beach found it entertaining as I hiked my wedding dress up around my waste, waded into the water and then started rock hopping to my final destination. Devon followed - staying in the water...tip-toeing each time the tide came in to keep the water away from her gear which was strapped around her waste. We all had some good laughs!! We ended the photo shoot with Troy and I running hand and hand into the ocean as the sun set on the horizon. We all agreed that the thousands of bug bites we all got were totally going to be worth the pictures that Devon and Jessica were able to capture.
I'm happy to report that our family and friends spent the week of our wedding trip enjoying the trip and celebrations, and weren't spending all their time snapping pictures....that's what we had Devon and Jessica for. :-) Sadly, this resulted in us only having a handful of pictures until Devon is able to edit the 10,000+ pictures they took. But I know they are going to be well worth the wait. The one below is my favorite of the pictures we've received from friends and family.

Stay tuned for more wedding updates.....I promise they won't take me 6 months to post! :) I also have some craft projects I'll post soon too.
Have a great day!!
Mrs. Tammy Godwin